Career aptitude test - M.G & M.M
If you are still not sure which university career you are going to study, do not worry, in this article, we will explain what one of the most used vocational tests consists of and what are the results that you will obtain based on your answers.

What does the Vocational Test M.G and M.M consist of?
The M.G and M.M Test was designed by Psychologists Malca de Goldenberg and Magali Merchán, as a method to help the student identify their vocational and professional interests and clarify the choice of a university career.
The Malca Vocational Test of Goldenberg and Magali Merchán has 80 questions, which you must answer if you are interested or not interested. According to your answers, you will obtain a result with the two categories or areas of knowledge that best suit you.
There are five areas of knowledge:
- Art and Creativity
- Social and Humanistic Sciences
- Economic, Administrative and Financial
- Science and Technology
- Ecological, Biological and Health Sciences
There are 5 occupational areas with their respective university careers.
What are the university degrees in each occupational area?
-Art and Creativity: Graphic design, Fashion design, Jewelry design, Plastic arts, Advertising drawing, Industrial art, Restoration and museology, Interior design and decoration, Graphic and advertising management, Voiceover, and advertising, Audiovisual and multimedia production, Communication and radio and television production, Stage communication, Modeling, Photography, Acting, Landscaping, Film and Video, Camarography.
-Social and Humanistic Sciences: Psychology, Languages, History, Geography, Journalism, Priests, Theology, Sociology, Museology, Anthropology, Archeology, Law, Writing, Museology, Psychopedagogy, Social translation, Digital science, Political science, Social management and development, Family counseling, Communication, and advertising, Special education, International relations, Social communication, Business management, Public relations, Hospitality and tourism, Bibliotechnology.
-Economic, Administrative and Financial: Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing, Foreign Trade, Sales, Banking and Finance, Business Management, Strategic Marketing, Management, and International Business, Business Administration, Commercial Engineering, Human Resources Management, Integrated Communication, Administration in agritourism and hospitality companies, Economic and financial sciences, Administration and political sciences, Business sciences, Electronic commerce, Management of public bodies and educational centers.
-Science and Technology: Civil Engineering, Architecture, Electronics, Telecommunications, Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geographical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Energy Engineering, Petroleum and Metallurgy, Computer Systems Engineering, Engineering in coasts and port works, Programming and development of astronomy systems, Military careers (Navy, Aviation, Army), Mines, Physics, Image and sound, Biotechnology, Statistics, Geographical Sciences.
-Ecological, Biological and Health Sciences: Biology, Biochemistry, Agronomy, Horticulture, Fruit growing, Bioanalysis, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Cosmetology, Medicine, Nursing, Reflexology, Dentistry, Optometry, Podiatry, Bioanalysis, Physics, sports and rehabilitation, Food Engineering, Nursing, Dentistry, Oceanography, Homeopathy, Environmental Sciences, Medicine, Environmental Management, Environmental Engineering, Cosmetology, Biotechnology, Nutrition and Aesthetics, Veterinary, Marine Biology, Gastronomy, Physical Culture, Zootechnics, Environmental Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences.
Before taking the Vocational Orientation Test, we advise you to think about your priorities, interests, and abilities. Also, keep in mind what you are good at, what your character is like, what you like to do, the subjects you like to study the most, and the topics you like to talk about.
Are you not satisfied with the test result? Don't you know what to study? Do you have doubts about university careers? Do not worry, we advise you to carry out several tests and compare the results. These will serve as a starting point to get to know you better and discover the vocational careers closest to you. The more information you collect, the easier it will be for you to decide which university career to studying.
You can take the M.G and M.M Test in our CAREER TEST application and know the vocational areas according to your preferences.
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