Big five test - Personality test
Have you ever wondered why people act differently in the same situation? Through the test of the Big Five you will discover the personality differences between people.

The personality test of the 5 great factors or Big Five was developed by Goldberg and is the test most used today by companies and psychologists.
This test analyzes the composition of 5 personality dimensions and assesses the degree to which each one is present in the individual. Based on the result, it can be determined how that person will perform in a role or in which professions they will perform best.
The 5-dimensional personality test will serve as a starting point to better describe your feelings and attitudes. Find which career, profession, or job is ideal for your personality.
What are the 5 big factors?
The 5 personality factors are:
Openness to experience (O)
People with high scores on this factor are characterized by seeking new experiences and intellectual capacities, being interested in different subjects, appreciating art, and being sensitive to beauty. Its constituent elements are active imagination, aesthetic sensibility, attention to inner experiences, taste for variety, intellectual curiosity, and independence of judgment. The open individual is original and imaginative, curious about the external and internal environment, with richer experiential lives, and interested in new ideas and unconventional values.
People with little openness to experience tend to have more conventional and traditional interests. They prefer the simple and obvious to the complex, ambiguous and subtle.
Extraversion (E)
People who score high on this factor are characterized by a marked commitment or union with the outside world, being very sociable, assertive, communicative and need constant stimulation (new sensations).
People with a low score in extraversion are usually characterized by being reserved, introspective, calm, not very dependent on others, preferring what is known and habitual.
Agreeableness (A)
People who score high in agreeableness are characterized as cordial, kind, cooperative, compassionate, altruistic, considerate, trusting, and supportive.
People with low agreeableness tend to be self-centered, skeptical, and competitive.
Neuroticism (N)
Also known as emotional stability, people with high scores on this factor are characterized by emotional instability, anxiety, worry, and low self-esteem. They present a biased perception toward negative situations that makes them continue to feel negative emotions. It is characterized by a lack of homogeneity in behavior, low-stress tolerance, little sociability, etc.
People with a low neuroticism score have greater emotional stability and tend to be calmer and more self-confident.
Conscientiousness (C)
People with high scores on this factor are characterized by having self-control, both in their impulses and in the planning, organization, and execution of tasks. It is also associated with responsibility, reliability, punctuality, honesty, and conscientiousness. The downside is that they can be compulsive perfectionists and workaholics.
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