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Holland Test - Choose your profession
The Holland Test is a tool that will help you to find out your interests, your personality traits, and related professions. Take a...
The 5 best study techniques
Studying is something that we have to face on a daily basis and many times it becomes difficult, but do not be discouraged, take i...
Pomodoro Technique
Sometimes studying does not seem easy, but it is easier than it seems. Organizing study time and the activities you must do is a g...
Career Guidance: tips for choosing your ...
Learn all about vocational guidance, what it is and what it is for carrying out a vocational process to find your university caree...
16 Personalities Test
Through the 16 personalities test, you will know your dominant psychological traits and the strengths and weaknesses of your perso...
Personality Extrovert Intuitive Feeling ...
ENFP stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceptive and represents the preferences of the individual in the four dimension...
Personality Extrovert Intuitive Feeling ...
ENFJ stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judicious and represents the preferences of the individual in the four dimensions...
Personality Introverted Sensitive Though...
ISTP stands for Introverted, Sensitive, Thoughtful, Perceptive and represents the preferences of the individual in the four dimens...
Personality Introverted Sensitive Though...
ISTJ stands for Introverted, Sensitive, Thoughtful, Judicious and represents the preferences of the individual in the four dimensi...
Personality Introverted Sensitive Feelin...
ISFP stands for Introverted, Sensitive, Feeling, Perceptive and represents the preferences of the individual in the four dimension...
Personality Introverted Sensitive Feelin...
ISFJ stands for Introverted, Sensitive, Feeling, Judicious and represents the preferences of the individual in the four dimensions...
Personality Introverted Intuitive Though...
INTP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thoughtful, Perceptive and represents the preferences of the individual in the four dimens...