What is the importance of study techniques?
The application of study methods is important since they allow certain habits to be corrected and we can also improve or reinforce our academic performance.

The study techniques are an elementary part and of great importance, since they allow to organize the work, prioritize goals, take advantage of the available resources in the best way, make more efficient use of time and also allow the development of new techniques and ways of facing knowledge. to future. The study techniques are used to provide the student with all the strategies that can be carried out to obtain the best results in their studies and correctly face academic activities.
It is best to learn study techniques from the first courses so that you can acquire this skill little by little and, thus, take full advantage of the benefits.
The success of study techniques is based on order, perseverance, and the creation of good habits that allow you to act with better preparation for certain assigned tasks.
What are the advantages of learning these study methods?
– Understand better: each technique is designed to be able to fully absorb the concepts to be studied.
– Save time: each of these techniques seeks to optimize the time spent studying. They achieve this by focusing only on what is most important when studying.
– Automate studying: When you master the learning techniques, you will not stop to think about how to study. You will simply be able to identify the best way to learn the material and apply the corresponding technique.
Types of study techniques
1. Planning and organization
A - Write down in an agenda the date of the exams and the assignments that have to be handed in.
B - Devote a few minutes every day to studying or revising subjects.
C - Establish a realistic and consistent study schedule.
D - Always use the same place of study and that it has adequate environmental conditions.
E - Take breaks for a few minutes to relax and concentrate better.
2. Reading and comprehension
For a text to be assimilated, it is necessary to understand it, but to be able to do it well, it must be read correctly and paid attention.
There are two types of reading:
A - Pre-reading: a quick first reading, which serves as an exploration to find out what the text is about.
B - Comprehensive reading: a second reading in which you have to read carefully and make sure you understand each paragraph. In this way, they internalize the
ideas of the text.
3. Select the important information
After having understood what I have read, we must proceed to select the main and secondary ideas of the text. This can be done using the underlining technique. Thanks to this technique we can locate and capture the main ideas of a text, which favors active study and helps in the compression process.
At the moment you underline, you are already distinguishing between the ideas or the keywords of a text from the secondary ones. In addition, with practice, you are enhancing your ability to synthesize.
In general, there is a tendency to underline sentences that summarize ideas. They can be at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a text. It is very useful to also underline examples that you know to help you better understand the subject or keywords that help you better remember ideas.
Study techniques often allow the student to better understand the material that is required to be able to take an exam or to understand a topic. When we talk about a text, we can mention those that range from the simplest such as doing an exploratory reading of the document, underlining or marking essential ideas in the margin, to more complex ones that already require a higher level of practice and work, such as how to make a summary, a synoptic table or a conceptual network in which all the terms are correctly related to each other. These skills take time and cannot be developed from one day to the next, and this highlights the importance of study techniques to allow the student to achieve a good level of study.
When we talk about study techniques, we refer to strategies that can vary greatly according to the educational level (primary, secondary, university) but that ultimately have the same objective and seek to fulfill the same purpose, which is that the student can obtain better results from the development of different skills or aptitudes that allow them to better face each activity or task.
The scheme: it is the graphic expression of the underlined that contains in a synthesized way the main ideas, the secondary ideas, and the details of the text. They can be braces or brackets, development from a general idea or in a radial scheme to go related ideas.
The summary: it is an expository text that we create from another text. It consists of exposing briefly, clearly, and faithfully what the author of a text stated. Give an account of the overall meaning of the text.
4. Memorization and evaluation
To retain what you have learned, you have to make a great mental effort. In fact, saving information in memory is not a simple process. Therefore, it is convenient to use certain mnemonics or simple tricks that facilitate memorization.
In addition, as a last step in the study, you have to evaluate yourself to check what you have learned. And, if necessary, keep reviewing.
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